Hidden Stone
Artist - Sasipat Leelachart
Medium - Paper Cut
Size -
Date of Completion - August 2014
Corals are the foundation of all creatures on earth. They are the feeding ground of all marine life. I am a scuba diver, and from my diving trips in Thailand, it became my inspiration for this piece. From my diving trips, I saw how people treated corals and was disappointed. Most of the divers acared about the sea creatures and did not give any attention to how they treat the corals; some just cut them off with their fins. However, corals are very fragile and take years to grow an inch. This paper cut piece is a shape of 3 circles that makes up a triangle, from a view above. A circle means that it is unbalanced; whereas the triangle means stable. It means that the situation with corals, which most of them are not properly cared are threatening their extinction, however, they are the creatures that balanced out the marine life. Which I want people to start to be aware of the condition and be part of the coral restoration.