In this piece, I incorporate symbols that represent my family. Each strand has three strings hanging down, which is the number of the children in the family. The three bundles represent the tree's heart, which is also the children: the upper one is my brother (oldest), the middle is my sister, and the last one is me (youngest). It is a bundle that uses the threads that are filled in the tree because each child of the family comes with problems and entanglement of their own that are added to the tree. There are also lots of thread that are tangled inside it, representing the fact there is always a problem in my family no matter what, that there is never a time a problem does not present itself. Sometimes this is very tiring and annoying, but nevertheless, it still represents my family. If there isn't any hardship, I would assume that there is something wrong that day. The braided thread on the outer layer of the tree is the relationship of my family, and strength--the bark that protects the tree--that is my parents. The color of the thread is dark blue, the reason that it is this color is because dark as at times, things seem very dark and gloomy, but whenever a flicker of light shines on the thread, to me, it means that whenever there is darkness, there is still light that leads to something better.
Entanglement is inspired by and dedicated to my family. In terms of the inspiration, a banyan tree particularly inspired me. In Thai culture, banyan tree is considered as very auspicious, as it protects families from danger. With this knowledge in mind, I view my family as a banyan tree: my parents as the bark, acting as the tree's main structure; existing inside of the tree is the “heart”, the fibers, which represents my brother, my sister, and I. Additionally, thread is incorporated heavily in my artwork. It symbolizes attachment, although a string of it is weak, fragile, and delicate, many strings make it strong. For the past few years in my life, there have been a lot of problems occurring within my family that, at some point, it seems like there is only one string of thread left. However, the thing that pulls my family back together is us--my brother, my sister, and I--the children. We have suffered through difficult times all these years, but I strongly believe that things will get better eventually.
Artist - Sasipat Leelachart
Medium - Thread
Size - 90 x 30 x 30 cm
Date of Completion - December 2013

Artist - Sasipat Leelachart
Title - Entanglement
Medium - Acrylic
Size - 180 x 90 cm